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Why I Have Not Been Uploading

Into My Website For A Long Time?


As you could see, I haven’t been uploading stories to my blog for a long time. I wanted to say I apologize for that. Now I know what your thinking “Eganth, why have you not been uploading?”. 


Well, I am super excited to let you know something. Firstly, I am attending my school’s in-person classes during this time of the “deadly virus that shall not be named.” It is very hard trying to act normal when you have a pandemic situation around you. Everyone, you and I, our family and friends, have a chance of getting it when we are not following the social distancing rules and sanitizing often. 


The next and the biggest reason I have not been uploading is that I have been busy starting my YouTube channel, “Zavar the Parrot.” YES! I HAVE A YOUTUBE CHANNEL. That is why I haven’t been uploading. I have started my YouTube channel during thanksgiving break. I spent all my efforts on my youtube channel and didn’t upload any stories to the website. 


In my YouTube channel,  I have so far uploaded six videos as I am writing this article. My primary reason for starting my youtube channel is to share what I learned at my school. It is called “Zavar the Parrot.” A parrot named Zavar is the YouTube channel’s main character. There is a surprise package on there as well.


In my YouTube channel, Zavar learns new things with me (his best friend). I promise that I will update my blog on the last Saturday of every month. I will be uploading videos on my YouTube channel every Saturday or Sunday. Please make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel. I am giving the path to my channel here:  Eganth's YouTube Channel - Zavar the Parrot


The last and final reason for not uploading regularly is because I have written my independent research essay project for my class about “Colorado River: I matter because…”, which I have added here to my website.


I wish you a safe and peaceful New Year 2021.

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