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I wrote this article for my school newspaper.

Who is happy in COVID-19 ( ft. Mango)

I know everyone is stressed these days with the virus and lockdown, but there is one family member everywhere who is happy in all of this: Our Pets!

Pets are happy because they can stay with their owners all day. My one-year-old cat, Mango, is thrilled we are here. Every time I go to watch TV or videos on my computer, Mango starts biting me so I can get him a chew toy. Before the virus, he could only play with me in the afternoon, but now he can play with me all day.

Cats are prone to COVID-19, and so our cat cannot go out. I guess playing with your pets is not a bad thing, but if they start coming to you every time and not giving you a break, it starts to get annoying. I have my advantages, and he can't go into the shower because he hates water. He is not entirely happy, and he starts to have tummy trouble because he always eats treats. So he is 85% happy. That's why the COVID-19 has to stop, or else my cat's tummy ache will get worse.

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