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Where did the colors go?  


Michel Grayson was a seven-year-old boy and loved colors. His friends even say that his bedroom looks like a rainbow. One Saturday morning, when Michel got up, excited, and expecting to see the beautiful white clouds, the pretty yellow sun, in the blue sky in the background. When Michel looked up at the window, he realized something had changed. "THE BEAUTIFUL COLORS HAVE DISAPPEARED FROM THE OUTSIDE WORLD. MOMMY! DADDY! CALL 911! CALL 911!", Michel shouted. 


Michel's parents came rushing into Michel's bedroom. "What is wrong Michel?", Michel's mother asked, worried as she rushed into Michel's bedroom with her husband. "What happened son?", Michel's father asked, panicked and concerned as he also rushed into Michel's room with his wife. Michel's mother checked Michel's body to make sure he was not hurt. 


"COLORS HAVE DISAPPEARED, COLORS HAVE DISAPPEARED", Michel said, trying to calm down. "You screamed as if someone broke into our house because there is no color outside", Michel's father asked. "Lucas, he is just a kid", Michel's mother angrily told her husband. "Still, he shouldn’t scream like that, Charlotte", Lucas said to his wife. 


"Michel, it’s just-", Lucas said before his phone rang. Lucas reached into his pocket and answered it, then he whispered to Charlotte, "It is the bank". "Really? What did they say?", Charlotte whispered back. Charlotte turned to Michel and said, "Sorry, sweetie!! Mommy and Daddy have a very important job to take care of. We will talk to you soon". Then Lucas and Charlotte left Michel’s bedroom. Lucas kissed Charlotte bye as he left in his car for the bank.


Michel was confused. "Why weren’t they screaming or calling 911", he thought, "I will never understand adults". At this age, Michel was curious and got himself in lots of trouble. Michel went to the front door to see if colors were there outside his door, but before he could reach the knob, Charlotte asked, "Where do you think you are going?". "To discover where the colors went, Mommy", Michel said. "First, you have to remove your PJs, then wear some other dress and then eat breakfast", Charlotte said to Michel. "Aww", Michel said as he went to his room to change. "Michel, also remember it’s your turn to feed Nikita and Amelia", Charlotte called to Michel. Michel groaned. He was curious to go outside to check on the colors, but the whole world was against him. 


Nikita and Amelia were Michel's twin little sisters that were only twenty months old and usually threw food on the wall. Michel put on his favorite t-shirt and pants and then gulped his breakfast. Then he tried to feed his sisters quickly, but they kept throwing their cereal milk on his face. "Please eat quickly", Michel protested. "GA! GA!", the twins shrieked. When they were shrieking, Michel suddenly remembered his little trick to feed them. "Here comes the airplane", he said. Nikita and Amelia opened their mouths because they love airplanes, and he fed them peacefully. "Have you finished feeding Nikita and Amelia?", Charlotte asked, coming into the kitchen. "Yes, Mom", Michel said as he and his mother saw the twins gulping down the cereal. "Can I go outside now?", Michel asked, still rushing to check on the colors outside the door. Charlotte smiled and said, "Sure, sweetheart". 


Less than one second, Michel dashed through the front door, and Charlotte chuckled "Kids". She had forgotten all about the Michels colors episode from the morning. Michel looked at the colorless world. "The world seems different without colors", Michel said, looking around. Michel was discovering where he could find the colors. "COLORS! COLORS! WHERE ARE YOU? COME TO ME COZ I LOVE YOU", Michel started singing in a tune of a rhyme his sisters watched. His vision was blurry, and he couldn’t see anything. "Man, it’s blurry here", Michel said.  


Then Michel saw a little rainbowish color. "Where does this rainbow lead?", Michel wondered. Michel chased the rainbow color path until it became a beautiful rainbow in the sky. Michel said, "WOW! BEAUTIFUL!". He turned around, and now suddenly, all the blurry things went away, and the world was looking colorful again. 


The plants were green. The ground was gray. The houses were blue. The cars were in different colors. They were all no longer whity. Michel was so excited. He dashed back to his home, and he told his mother in excitement, "THE COLORS ARE BACK! THE COLORS ARE BACK!". Michel paused and then said, "It was like magic". Charlotte now remembered why Michel wanted to go out. It was the COLORS all over again. Charlotte said in Harry Potter-Uncle Vernon's voice, "There is no such thing as magic", and laughed. "It wasn’t magic, sweetheart", Charlotte said with a smile, "It was fog". 


"What is fog?", Michel asked. "Sometimes, when it is cold and is starting to get hot, there is a white smoke-like fog formed. It makes things blurry. We also see it in Daddy’s car sometimes. They are like clouds on the ground", Charlotte said. Fog or not, Michel was happy that the colors were back. He went in and started playing with his twin sisters. They were listening to the colors song. He sang with it, “Blue blue, the sky is blue, the sky is blue blue blue”.


                                                     The End

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