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My Interpretation Of the Classic Story Of  The Tortoise And The Hare


Once upon a time, in a forest, there was a tortoise and a hare. They were good friends, and they were chatting. 


The tortoise said, "Hey, I have an idea!". 

The hare asked, "What is it?". 

The tortoise said, "Why don't we do a race together? It'll be fun".  


The hare pulled up his fluffy chest and proudly said, "Of course I am going to win, I am younger, faster, and stronger than you. All you are is a fat, lazy tortoise". 


The tortoise couldn't have any response. He was fat and lazy. The hare was faster and more robust than him. 


He rarely came out of his shell. If he did come out on one of those rare days, the hare would be the first to know. He'll shame him for being slow, sometimes even in front of the entire forest animals. The animals would always take the hare's side. The tortoise was left alone with no one on his side. All he could do is be quiet and let it go, but through the years, it had been very hard.


Then,  he knew just the way to teach the hare his lesson. He said, "Give me a month, I'll prove you wrong." 


The hare just rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever," as he hopped back into his burrow. 


For a month, the tortoise worked very hard. He exercised in the gym and became a fit and healthy tortoise. Other animals could barely know he was ever the fat and lazy tortoise.


As for the hare, he slept and ate. Soon, his belly was the size of a pot. He was not the stunning, dashing, and most handsome hare from a month ago. He was a fat and lazy hare. 


The tortoise had told every animal in the forest about the race between him and the hare. Every animal in the woods was eager to watch the race. 


As the final day came, the tortoise flashed and bolted to the finish. All the animals were heart struck by what the turtle had accomplished. The hare, the person who was beaten by a turtle who would lose against a sloth by everyone in the forest, was the fastest animal in the world. 


From that day, the hare learned a lesson, Practice makes perfect.

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