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The Rain Poem


One Summer day was not long,

And something was horribly wrong.

Rain crashed down,

while I had a frown.


Thunder and Lightning!

OH MY GOD, It was frightening!

I dashed back to my house,

Like a scared mouse.


My parents said it was all right.

I lost, even though I put a good fight.

Then I heard the news,

and I felt like a goose.


It wasn’t a coincidence,

and it was going to rain this summer months.

Now it all made sense.

And then, I peeked at my fence.


I saw a squirrel eating a berry,

and it looked very merry.

Then, I saw a bird building nest,

after it was done, it is time to rest.


I saw a lizard taking a run,

and it was having real fun.

I saw the mischievous ants,

Around the growing green plants.


I realized that without rain,

it will cause everyone pain.

After it was late,

I felt terrible for being irate.


While my parents were watching a Lottery Show, I said Sorry!

They said it’s alright, then they won the Lottery.

I forgot about that day and jumped with joy

with my parents, AHOY!

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