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The Lazy Velcro Shoes  


The door swung open as a 21-year-old Michel Grayson was walking through the doors, ready to unpackage his new shoes. He put the box in the middle of the dining table and, with his own bare hands, ripped it open in seconds. 


When Grayson looked at what was inside of the box, he looked like he was looking at gold. A pair of sleek, shiny velcro shoes with dark black stripes and ends lay in front of his eyes. "Probably should wait for about a week, then take them to my morning jog", Grayson thought as he put the shoes in his shoe rack. 


Then, Velcro Right shoe opened its eyes and then, Velcro Left Shoe opened its eyes. "Hello," they said together, "How are you? Wait, we say things together? Cool!". 


Then the Lace shoe pair near them joined in "Hello," they said, " Welcome to the shoe rack". 


Then the Velcro Pair said, "Hello... What type of shoe are you? Wait, aren't you that Classic  Lace shoe". 


Then, the Lace shoe said, "Well yes, but-". 


"YOUR CLASSIC!", the Velcro Pair blurted out. 


"You can call me Lace", the Lace Shoe Pair said kindly. 


"No, you are classic", the Velcro Pair said. 


"Stop calling me Classic," the Lace Shoe Pair said, getting annoyed. 


"But you are Classic," the Velcro Pair said. 


Then, the Lace Pair sighed. "If he doesn't like his name, why was he named that," Right Velcro Shoe asked Left Velcro Shoe. 


"I do not know," Left Velcro said. 


"That's because my name is Lace," the Lace Shoe Pair said, trying not to lose its temper. 


"We told you, Your name is Classic, not Lace. How do you always forget your name?", the Velcro Shoe Pair said.


"Never Mind", the Lace Shoe Pair said with a sigh. 


A week later, Grayson was coming to the shoe rack so he could use his new velcro shoes for his morning jog. 


"AW! Is it already a week?", the Velcro Shoe Pair whined. 


"You are going to the jog, aren't you happy?", the Lace Show Pair asked.


"No, it's very comfortable on the shoe rack", the Velcro Show Pair said. 


"But the master is taking you for his morning jog, so you have no choice but to accept. After your first jog, you are going to like it immediately", the Lace Sho Pair said. 


"But we've got an idea to ditch it," the Velcro Pair said, giving smirks to each other. 


"Don't you dare do what I'm thinking you're going to do?", the Lace Pair warned. 


"We sure will", the Velcro Pair said. 


Grayson took the Velcro shoes from the shoe rack. The Velcro Shoe Pair pull their tongues back, so Grayson's feet will feel uncomfortable. When Grayson tried to pull the tongue out, he couldn't. It was like it was stuck. Grayson pulled with all his might, but still, the tongue wouldn't budge. 


Grayson sighed and said, "Maybe tomorrow it will work, today I will try the Lace shoes." 


Then Grayson pulled the tongue of the lace shoe and put his feet inside. Then he opened the door and jogged off. 


"Great Job", the Velcro Pair said to each other. 


After Grayson and the Lace Shoe Pair came back from Grayson's morning jog, the Lace Pair spoke to the Velcro Pair, "Guys, I think it was rude of you for not letting the master put you on, he was excited about putting you on, but you spoiled it". 


The Velcro pair weren't listening because they were distracted with the dust. "I guess they have to learn the hard way," the Lace Pair thought.  


The next day came, and Grayson tried to put on the Velcro pair, but the tongue still wouldn't budge, Grayson sighed and put on the Lace Shoe Pair for his morning jog. The Velcro continued to pull their tongues for a week, and on Sunday,  Grayson gave up. 


As Grayson grabbed the Velcro shoes, the Lace pair said, "You had your chances, but you just threw them away." 


Grayson took them to a rusty brown, very smelly can that had "GARBAGE" printed on it. Grayson opened the lid and threw them in there. 


"It smells kind of stinky in here", the Velcro Pair said, sniffing the place "But at least there's no Classic that advises us that you have to let the master put us on their feet  in here." 


Two days later, the quietness of the garbage can, was disturbed by a thunderous noise, and it was an enormous brown thingy. 


"What's going on?", the Velcro Pair asked each other confused. There was a big, huge truck with two enormous arms that picked the garbage can up, and everything in the garbage can was thrown in a hole in the truck's back. It had the words printed on the truck's sides that said "GARBAGE TRUCK". 


The Velcro pair were incredibly scared now, they were first in the shoe rack, then in the garbage can and now, this gigantic garbage truck. They were in this big garbage truck for what seemed forever, and it made stops, and even more, garbage was getting thrown in with them. 


Then, the garbage truck stopped and made a turn, and all the trash was thrown into a steel rotating paddle machine that didn't stop moving. "What does this machine do?", the Velcro Pair asked each other now very scared. When they turned around, they saw the big steel pounder smashing the garbage. 


The Velcro Pair screamed, "If only we listened to Classic's advice, we wouldn't be in this mess", the Velcro pair told each other. The last thing they ever saw was the steel cylinder pounding them.


                                                     The End

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