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Chapter 3 


It was George's spirit. "M-My Body," George's spirit said as he looked at his passed out body. "Come on, George, I have something to show you," Kindness said. Then they went through a portal (which Kindness created) to see how George was corrupted. Then George and Kindness went through the portal, and then they saw a shy, red-headed, green-eyed, pale-skinned boy walking shyly through the halls of Honey Cake Elementary quietly while everyone was all the 5th graders laughed at him. "That's m-m-me?!" George said, shocked. "You might have forgotten, but you were once the shy, lonely kid with no friends," Kindness sighed "I watched you back then, and I felt bad for you, but at least you were a nice kid back then, and all got an A+ in your exam but that all changed when you turned into the third grader."

Then Kindness snapped her fingers, and then she and George appeared in George's bedroom. Third grade George was punching and kicking air. "You were practicing karate and made bullying your life and started getting B's and C's in your exams," Kindness said with a sad look, "But Look even closer at the picture." George looked at the picture closer, and he saw a vampirish creature on his shoulder, cheering him on with his sharp fangs and red eyes and the wind splashing on his black hair and tuxedo." I-Is that" George said, in loss of words. "Yes, that's my brother, Mean" Kindness sighed. "I want to change," George said to Kindness as they returned to the bedroom, and George returned to his body's heart. "Do you mind if I call my father?" Kindness asked George. "No," George said as he got himself off the ground," I do not." "Ok," Kindness said. "Dear Father," she thought, "If you can hear me, I have fixed the young boy and wishes to change his way." Father Time heard his daughter, Kindness' thoughts, and rushed over to the attic. "Father," Kindness asked," I ask you to go back in time, so George is not a bully." "Ok," Father Time said. He moved his hand backward and said: "I bless George Mrozok of turning from a bully to an angel." As he said the word "Angel," George was waking from his bed and was no more in the attic. Hence, from that day forward, George Mrozok was not a bully by helping younger kids to understand good and bad things and even donated some of his money to the poor and animal shelter. It just comes to show that bullies can turn into sweet kids.

------ The End ------

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