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Chapter 1

George Mrozok was a corrupted bully at Honey Cake Elementary. He hurt kids younger than him physically and emotionally and sometimes even got kids into doing something they're not supposed to be doing. One day, the teachers of Honey Cake Elementary thought enough was enough so George was suspended. When George's parents heard that their son was suspended from school due to bullying, they gave George a timeout in the dark attic as a punishment. George didn't care much and was noting down with a microtip pencil in a dusty piece of paper when he returned to Honey Cake, how to hurt the students emotionally. Then a beautiful fairy that wore gold for clothes and silver for hair appeared. "Hi, My name is kindness, George, and you have been listening to my older brother, Mean," said Kindness. "You have been blessed with corruption from my brother Mean, and I want to help you get rid of the corruption." "I am not corrupted, but if I am, I would be evil then," George said, smirking his smug smirk. "Mother Earth and Grandmother Love told me that it would be hard to cope with you, but maybe Father Time could help," Kindness thought, "Father Time help me." Father time heard his daughter Kindness thoughts and he came to her aid. Then a fairy with wrinkles on his hands, feet, and face with a long beard with half-moon spectacles and with a clock on his collared shirt and a long hand on his left knee jeans and shorthand on his right knee jeans. "What's wrong, daughter Kindness, "Father, Brother Mean has blessed this boy with corruption, and I need your help to teach him about his corruption and bad luck," Kindness said. "I knew that boy was up to no good" Father Time said, "Here." Father Time gave his daughter Kindness a clock and whispered: "Move the hour clock backward to show him how he was corrupted." "Yes, Father," Kindness said. She moved the clock's hand backward, just like her father said. Then Father Time disappeared into the dust. "George, now you will see as I move the clock backward I shall show you how you have been Corrupted," Kindness said as she moved the clock backward and as George got smaller due to his age growing smaller. George felt his heartbeat, he didn't know what was going on; it felt like he was on a bumpy roller coaster, but the picture was distorted, and what George didn't was that there was more for him.

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