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The Broken Window  



Michel Grayson was a 14-year old with a slim build, brown eyes, pale-skinned, beautiful blonde hair. He was in his house, roasting some s' mores in the fireplace during the horrible, cold weather.  As Grayson was about to taste the s' mores, he heard a CRASH, and window glass was sprinkling like snow. Grayson's eyes were covered with shock, and his heart was beating as fast as a cheetah about what just happened. Grayson tried to move, but it was like he was glued to the floor because of his shock, and couldn't move an inch. 


A humongous snowball had crashed through Grayson's living room window,  and he saw three kids running off. "OI! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!" Grayson yelled, finally being able to get up. Grayson knew these three kids very well, as they lived in the same neighborhood.  Their names are Ali Zucker, Elia Zucker, and Ben Marito. They all go to Honey Cake school together.


As the window crashed open, Ali and Elia used their sleds to get away as Ben ran off. The cold breeze covered Grayson's house, and poor Grayson was shivering. "MICHEL GRAYSON", Grayson's mother yelled as she stormed into the living room. "M-Mom A-Al-Ali, Be-Ben a-an-and-El-Eli-Elia threw a-a snow- snowball through-through our h-hou-house", Grayson stuttered, scared from the snowball going through the window and the cold air coming in uninvited. "THEY DID WHAT?" Grayson's mother yelled. Luckily, Grayson's house had two stories, so Grayson ran upstairs as quickly as he could.  Grayson put on his thick jacket and thick scarf and thick pants. He wanted to go outside to catch the kids in action.


 "Michel, you know it's stormy out there", Grayson's mother screeched, worried about her son's safety. "I know mother, but I can do this, I know I can", Grayson protested, zipping up his coat. "No! I forbid you, Michel",  Grayson's mother said, forbidding Grayson to go. "F-i-i-i-n-e", Grayson said, acting like obeying his mother's wishes. 


Since Grayson's bedroom was down the hall, he stormed through the living room and slammed the door. He started to plan his escape to find out who broke the window. He saw his window and immediately came up with an idea. He made sure to lock the door before opening the window, incase his mother came in the middle. Grayson felt the breeze of the cold weather ruffling his hair. But the window wasn't that wide that he could walk through it. Grayson decided to jump, but it's risky because if he fails, he might severely injure himself. Grayson used his bed as a trampoline, and when he jumped, he barely missed the window's borders by inches.


When he took a look outside, he saw footprints leading to the backyard door and another set of footprints leading to the front door of Ben's house. "There are so many footprints and sled marks. I don't know which footprints go where", Grayson thought as he saw the footprints scattered everywhere. Then Grayson looked at the footprints that were leading to Grayson's house." Now we can add to the pile?" Grayson thought as he saw another set of footprints leading to his home. Before he went to check it out, he wrote in his mobile why each of the kids could have done it because there were three sets of footprints, not one set. 


Then he wrote:

Ali: Mad at me because we fought about to prank people or not to prank people with goo and I said not to, but he said we should prank people with goo.

Elia: Mad at me because he is on Ali's side of the fight and wants to take revenge on me by pranking me with Ali.

Ben: Mad at me because he got in trouble with his parents because he said some disrespectful things to me.           


After Grayson noted down, he put his mobile into his pocket and followed the footprints leading to the house. The footprints looked like they were going to Grayson's home, which led to the broken window. "Ben was the one who did it, he thought he could run away, but I caught him," Grayson thought. 


Grayson took out his phone and took a picture of the footprints. As Grayson was going back towards home to sort out information he found out, Grayson stopped in his tracks "Wait a minute, those tracks didn't lead to the front door of Ben's house, but it took him to the back door of Ben's house, then the culprit must have used it to escape the crime scene". When Grayson saw his house, he jumped over the window, started to realize that it wasn't Ben, but Ben had been framed.  


"Ben prefers walking than using a sled, Elia is just learning how to sled, and those sled tracks look like they were in a hurry, so that means that the culprit is Ali.  He could have held the sled in his hands, and when he got to Ben's back door, he made his escape", Grayson thought. He threw a lockpick at the door and unlocked it, and then he drifted off to sleep. 


When Grayson's mother got inside his bedroom, she noticed that Grayson's phone had some snow particles. She turned the phone on, making sure it was still working, and she saw the footprint photos. Then, she smiled and thought, "Oh, Grayson". 


The next day, Grayson had some explaining to do, and his mother understood. Still, his window was going to be locked, and he was grounded. Then he and his mother went to Ali's house and reported what Ali had done to Ali's parents and gave them the photo evidence. Ali's parents were not happy with Ali and made him sit in the time out corner. They paid the bills for the window repairs, and after that, everything was settled and back to normal.


                                                     The End

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