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The Babies  


Michel Grayson was 14 years old and received his first phone, the iPhone (1st Generation). Since he was born in 1993, this iPhone was very expensive. Just as his mother, Charlotte Grayson, gave him his phone, he dashed to his bedroom and installed the messaging app and got his best friend, Lucas Globe's phone number. 


He texted, "Hello, Mrs. Globe, could I speak to Lucas, From Michel Grayson". 


Within a second, Mrs.Globe responded with, "Is your mother okay with it, Michel". 


"Mom, can I text Lucas?" Michel called out. 


"Sure", Charlotte yelled over Nikita and Amelia's screaming. 


Then, Michel texted "Yes". 


Then Mrs. Globe gave her phone to Lucas and explained everything.


Then Lucas texted "Hello Michel, what's up, From Lucas". 


Then Michel texted "DUDE! I GOT MY FIRST PHONE". 


Lucas texted, "Cool Bro, My mom says for my 15th birthday (which is next month) I will get my very own phone". 


Then Michel texted "Cool". 


Then Nikita and Amelia came into Michel's bedroom with toy airplanes and kept yelling, "VROOM! VROOM! VROOM!" much to Michel's annoyance. 


Then, he remembered an event that happened when he was 5 years old. 


Then, he texted Lucas, "Dude, Ya wanna hear a story". Then Lucas texted. 


Then Lucas texted, "It better not be fiction". 


Then Michel texted, "I promise it's not fiction". 


Then Lucas said, "Okay, then tell me". 


Then Michel texted, "One dinner when I was eating disgusting potato pieces mixed with delicious chicken as a 5-year-old, my mom said Michel, I have a surprise for you". 


I was ecstatic, I yelled with joy, "Where is it? Where is it?", then Mom chuckled and said, "Patience, Michel". 


Then Dad said, "Michel, how would you like to have a baby brother or sister", then I said, "That sounds great, but where is the surprise". 


Then, mom said, "That was the surprise, Michel", then I looked confused "What was it". 


Then, Dad said, "That was the surprise", "Really?" I asked. I was disappointed by surprise, but I didn't want to upset my parents, so I acted surprised. 


Lucas, I was an angel, not a goody-two-shoes. "Where is it?" I asked, then my mom said, "In my belly". 


"You ate the surprise," I asked, confused, then my mom and dad burst out laughing, and my mom said, "No, Mikey, it gets produced in my belly". 


"Okay?" I said, confused. 


Still, this day, I did not know what she meant by "It Was Produced", but anyway when I was playing with my stuffed animals in my bed, I heard drilling and hammering near my bedroom. 


When I went into that bedroom, I saw my dad painting the walls and my mom drilling the nails into a baby's crib. 


I asked, "Mommy, what are you doing", then, Mom said, "Sorry sweety, I am busy". 


Dad said, "We are getting ready for the baby". 


"Daddy, why is mommy's tummy big?" I asked my father. 


Then Dad responded with, "That's because the baby is in her belly". 


I said, "Okay", and walked back to my room. 


My Mom and Dad usually were busy drilling and painting for the past month. 


Then, 12:00 pm, Dad left me with my Uncle Max and Aunt Penny for the next month. 


Then 1:00 Am of June 6th, 1997, my sisters were born, and my mom and dad excitedly came home and told us the news. 


I was excited, and I screeched, "WHERE IS IT?!". 


My mom and dad chuckled and said, "Shh, you'll wake up the babies". 


Then Dad showed me a basket with 2 baby girls sleeping peacefully and were covered with a blanket. 


"What are they're names?" I whispered. 


My mom whispered back with "Nikita and Amelia ". 


I repeated the name to myself 2 times and then whispered, "I like it".

Nikita and Amelia used to screech all night, and I could barely sleep, and I also felt like they were getting all the attention. 


Like one time, I had exciting news, and when I yelled, "Mommy! Daddy!" and then my mom came and scolded me saying, "YOU COULD HAVE WOKEN UP THE BABY", and I said, "Yes, but I have some news an-" then my mom yelled, "GO TO YOUR ROOM". 


The next morning my mom came into my room. 


She said, "Michel, I am very sorry for yelling at you, but I didn't want Nikita and Amelia to wake up, and you said you had some news, what is it?". 


I responded with, "No, thanks to you, apparently, you've shown no news can be told because of the babies" then, I crunched myself in the corner. 


My mom said, "Michel-" then sighed and walked out of my room. 


That same night I packed some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in a white cloth with a wooden stick attached to it. 


When I passed my sisters' bedroom, my sisters said, "Ooh". 


Then I said, "It's all because of you I am leaving, you spoiled my life". 


My sisters' happy face turned sad, and then they said their first words, "Michel no go". 


I turned around and asked, "What did you say?". The baby twins said, "Michel, no go". 


I was overjoyed, I had been jumping in my bed the whole night, the next day, I told my parents and they were as overjoyed as I was and I learned it's okay to live with sisters". 


Then Lucas texted "Awesome Story, I have to go now, my swimming class is starting" Then Michel texted "See ya," and Lucas texted back "See ya".


Nikita and Amelia came up to Michel and said, "Want to watch Curious George with us, Michel?". 


Just as Michel was about to say no, he said yes. 


It just comes to show that even though siblings see annoying, they are very important in your life.


                                                     The End

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