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Adventure of Prince 

Prince was playing in the backyard after slobbering and chewing his breakfast. It was a dull, gray, and windy day with a high chance of rain. He was covered with weeds, sticks, and mud by chasing squirrels all around the yard but he stopped when he saw Mrs.Schermerhorn get into the car, making him confused.  “Why is she going to school on a Monday?”, he thought. So he decided to follow Mrs.Schermerhorn. 


But how will he get over the fence?  


Prince then saw some trash cans and he got an idea. Prince stacked up two trash cans to get over the fence. When the Prince jumped over the fence, Mrs.Schermerhorn was already leaving. So Prince ran as fast as his little feet could take him. 


But then, Mrs. Schermerhorn turned around the block, and then Prince lost her. Since Prince was lost and could not get home, he decided to go through the park and tried to find a way to get home. Prince was determined. He really needed to go home to survive this type of weather. He kept regretting every inch it took to follow Mrs.Schermerhorn.


Then it started to rain. He was wet, cold, and couldn’t find his way home to nestle with his family. Following Mrs.Schermerhorn to school was a really, really, bad idea. But when he got out of the park, he saw Mrs.Schermerhorn. He felt heavy bricks turning into big, comfy pillows.


He didn’t take the park, he took the woods, and it led him to the so-called Caraway Elementary which was where Prince’s owner, Mrs.Schermerhorn was at. He was so excited that he jumped with joy, wagged his tail with joy, and then he howled like a wolf in the damp, windy, and cold rain. He literally waited for her for 8 hours. Nothing bothered him as he stood there, not even the cold wind, the rain soaking his muddy fur, not even the scary sound of thunder. 


When Mrs.Schermerhorn got out of the portable in the evening, he quickly hid in the bushes and then secretly got on top of Mrs.Schermerhorn’s car. When Mrs.Schermerhorn got out of the car, Prince quickly got into the backyard and started barking. He was back to the brick, brown roof that was his home. 


Prince was excited for more adventures through life. It is not the end, it is just the beginning.


-- The  End --

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