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I wrote this article for my school newspaper.

My Wonderful Fourth Grade


Fourth grade has been a wonderful grade because I have a lot of great memories. Sadly due to COVID-19, I couldn't see my friends or teachers in person since spring break.  Also, fourth grade is going to be the last year I am going to be in one digit age, and then I am going in double-digit age.  


I have a tingly feeling every day when I wake up. I can't explain it, but it has something to do with fourth grade and how I miss it.  With this feeling, I just feel strong and weak at the same time. 


On the last day of school, everybody feels happy. They can go swimming, play baseball, and might even get ice cream, as it's going to be summer. School is important, and that will never change. But summer vacation is still a fun break.


The last day is also a sad day because when I return to school in the fall, I might be with another teacher. I will miss my homeroom teacher because she was the one who taught me about the art of writing. 


Another reason I am sad is that my friends from this grade might not be in my class next year. I'll miss my friends because they encouraged me to do better if I am lonely or sad. They tell me how to understand classwork. They always stand by me. 


That's why whenever I think about the last day of school, it's a mixture of happy feelings and sad feelings. 


As Charlotte from Charlotte's web movie said, I will brighten up: 

"Chin-up, Chin-up, 

Put a little laughter in your eyes, 

Brave it, Share it, 

Even if you're feeling otherwise, 

You'll be happy-hearted, 

once you get started, 

up with your 

chinny chin chin-up"

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