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Michael Grayson Learns A Valuable Lesson


Michel Grayson was going on his first trip with his dad. He was only seven, so he was very excited. While his mom would be taking care of his two little siblings Nikita and Amelia, he and his dad will go on a fishing trip. “Bye Honey,” Michel’s Mother, Charlotte, said, kissing her husband on the cheek. “Bye, Dada! Bye Mikey,” The three-year-old twins Nikita and Amelia said as they hugged their dad and Michel goodbye. 

“THIS FISHING TRIP IS GONNA BE FUN,” Michel squealed as the car started. “Yes, it will, Michel,” said Michel’s dad, Lucas. Grayson quickly thought about how much fun he would have fished with his dad for two days as they sped off into the distance. 

“So, dad, what are we going to do when we reach the fishing pond?” Michel asked excitedly. “Well, first we need to sign in to the hotel nearby and sleep for the night because, by the time we get there, it’s 8:00, and that’s your bedtime Michel,” Lucas said. “Ok,” Michel said. When they reached their rooms, Lucas, exhausted from driving, dropped onto one of the beds, snoring. Michel got on to the other bed,  squirming while dreaming the adventures he was going to have with his dad. Then the moment came, the rooster squawked, IT WAS TIME TO GO FISHING WITH HIS DAD. “ DAD! DAD!” Michel shouted, bouncing on his dad. “Wha-What?” Lucas said as he opened his baggy eyes. “IT’S TIME TO GO FISHING! FISHING TIME,” Michel shrieked as he shakes his dad.

“Ok, ok, Go brush your teeth, change out of your pajamas and eat breakfast, then we will go fishing,” Lucas said as he stretched. “Okie Dokie!” Michel said as he ran off to the bathroom. He quickly brushed his teeth, changed his clothes, and waited in the living room as his dad made them both breakfast. Next, they both ate some toast, and after that, they got their Fishing rods and a bit of worm. As they got into a boat that Michel’s father rented, they both started fishing. “ Remember Michel,” Lucas said, “I will be fishing on the left side of the boat, and you will fishing on the right.” “Yes, sir,” Michel said with a smile as Michel started fishing.

As Michel was fishing, he saw some seagulls. Apparently, a seagull noticed Michel too. Even worse, it saw Michel just as he caught a juicy, plump trout. Then, without a second thought, the seagull swooped down to Michel. THE SEAGULL IS GOING TO STEAL HIS FISH! “HEY! STOP IT!” Michel yelled as he tried to keep the trout from the seagull’s mouth. “ Something wrong, Mikey?” Lucas asked. “NO!” Michel grunted as he kicked his feet to distract and scare the bird. Finally, Michel managed to struggle with the fish from the seagull’s feet.  After that, it was smooth sailing, when they got back to the hotel, Michel and his dad was eating some Fish Tacos. “Mikey?”

Lucas asked. “Yes, Daddy?”Michel asked. “Do you mind closing the curtains?” Lucas asked. “I don’t mind, Daddy,” Michel said as he ran to close the curtains. As he ran to close the curtains, Michel saw the bird that tried to take his fish during the fishing trip. The bird was trying to find some food for its baby to eat as the bird’s chicks wailed in hunger. “Some, that must be why the bird tried to take my fish,” Michel thought as he felt terrible about how he treated the bird. Michel quickly ran to the sofa and ripped a piece of his fish taco.

“Michel Grayson, What in the world are you doing,” Lucas asked, looking up at his son. “ Redeeming myself,” Michel said, confidence in his voice. “Why?” Lucas asked. The jig was up, Michel told him (reluctantly) about what happened with the bird. Lucas listened calmly, then he said, “ Fair enough, But don’t take your taco; I know what you should take” as he went to the fridge. Lucas pulled out a box of homemade Vegetable Lasagna that Michel’s mom made from the hotel room’s fridge (Michel and Lucas both hate lasagna). “Here, take this,” Lucas said, giving the lasagna to Michel. Michel called out to the bird and gave it to the bird. “That was a very noble thing to do, Michel,” Lucas said, keeping his hand on Michel’s shoulder. Even years later, when Michel visits the fishing area, that bird constantly chirps at Michel, remembering the good deed he did to that bird when he was a child. That experience changed Michel as a person forever.

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