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I wrote this story when I was seven years old. It was inspired from the "Lion King" story.


Chapter 4

"Hey guys," the hyena said, "there's a-" but before the hyena could finish, Rackia hit him over the head with a stick.

Shole, Silly, and Bansel stayed with Scotch so they won't get hit with a stick by Rackia. They jumped on Good, but SS pushed them off.

Underneath the kingdom, fire burst, Scotch fought SS; Good kicked the hyenas,  Rackia bonked and hit the hyenas.

Mah, Fire, and Nioho were behind the hyenas while they battled. Rackia punched Shole, Silly, and Bansel. Some of the hyenas tried to take the stick from Rackia's hand, but they were hit by it.

"Stop being Lazy!" yelled Scotch, "Fight SS!!!!!". The hyenas tried to push Rackia off the cliff into the fire, but SS pushed them away. Shole, Silly, Bansel, and the other hyenas chased SS.

"Oh, SS!!!" said Scotch, "You are in trouble again!!".

"Noooo!!!!!," yelled Good.

"Ahhh!!!!" screamed SS because he was at the cliff and was burning under the cliff.

The hyenas held Rackia and broke his stick in half. 

"Now, where have I seen this before?" snarled Scotch, "I remember!!!!! Oh..this is how Good looked when I threw him off the cliff when beasts attacked him two years ago."

Scotch clawed his nails into SS's paws and whispered, "I threw Good off the cliff that day." Scotch reminded SS of the worst past he had been trying to forget.

"Noooooo!!!" screamed SS and jumped on Scotch back onto the cliff.

"No, SS!! Please!!" pleaded Scotch.

"Silence," yelled SS.

"I don't take orders by nephews, especially  ones on the losing side," said Scotch, smirking

 Nibbyia pounced on Scotch.

"Let me go, you dirty traitor!!" yelled Scotch, "Did you forget you used to be mine??".

"I changed my sides two years ago," said Nibbyia.

Nibbyia let go of Scotch because the hyenas were scratching her, hard, and when she let go, Scotch tried to jump on SS but got pushed away by Good. SS jumped on Scotch, Shole, Silly, and Bansel, but Scotch, Silly, and Bansel dodged the jump. 

"Oh, no!!! Please let me go, SS," pleaded Shole.

"SILENCE!!" yelled SS.

"I will shut up right now," said Shole.

"You are the leader of hyenas scratch him in the paw," Scotch yelled.  Then Shole scratched SS on the paw and escaped his grip.

"Hey!! Where did you get that, Scar?" asked the hyenas to Scotch.

"When SS pushed me!" said Scotch.

The hyenas looked confused.

"When we tried to get Nibbiya earlier!" said Scotch.

"Ohhhhhh!!!" said the hyenas.

"Grrrrr!!!" said Scotch at SS.


Scotch and the hyenas tried to jump on SS but got pushed away.


Fire blasted over the cliff.  It started sucking the hyenas as it became bigger. The hyenas got scared and ran away.

"Come back, you cowards!!" yelled Scotch.

Good did the same thing as last time, and he tried to protect SS from the fire, the hyenas, and Scotch.

The fight broke between Scotch and Good. Good pushed Scotch down into the cliff with fire. Scotch fainted.

"Nooo!!!" shouted the remaining hyenas.

Scotch heard the hyenas cry, got up, and fought with Good bravely till sunset. Thunder flashed over.

There was fire everywhere. Scotch punched Nibbiya, finding an easier target.  SS pushed Shole when he got the chance to get Scotch's attention. All hyenas started turning to Good, the only person SS adores. 

"Roar!!!!," shouted Good.

"Ark!! Ark!! Ark!!!" shouted the hyenas, "Time to eat!!!!".

They tried to bite Good, but SS pushed away Good into the cave out of the cliff. The angry hyenas tried to bite SS now. SS pushed them off the cliff and into the fire. On the other side, Scotch was all by himself now fighting Nibbiya. Nibbiya was losing. SS took over and pushed Scotch away. Good was safely in the cave during the fight.

"Don't kill me!!!" said Scotch.

"Runaway!!!," said SS.

Scotch ran away, but there were gray, shadowy figures going with him, and they had spots. 

Good came from the cave and roared to make the rain go away and let the sun in. The fight ended.

SS got back with Sara, and they married later.

Good, adopted Nibbiya.

They all lived happily ever after the victory, but the price was high, they had lasting scars physically and emotionally, but it was settled down for now. But they didn't know the hyenas were still alive and were planning with Scotch for the next ambush. 

-- The End --

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