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I wrote this story when I was seven years old. It was inspired from the "Lion King" story.


Chapter 3

Two years later, Scotch was still planning his attack with the hyenas on the lions, but most of all, Good and SS, the lions he despised the most.

Meanwhile, in the grasslands,

 Rackia, the very old baboon that lived with Good and SS in the grasslands, saw the painting of Good pushed down the cliff. He was shocked. "Was Scotch responsible for that?" Rackia asked Good. "Not only was he responsible for it, but he was also the one who threw me down the cliff. "Well, how very naughty of him," Rackia said, annoyed with what Scotch had done. Then Nibbya came to Rackia and Good.

"Scotch is planning again to kill you and SS," said Nibbyia to Good and Rackia. 

"Well, he won't under my watch" Rackia said, getting out his staff, preparing for Scotch's attack. 

On the outlands, Scotch and the hyenas were upset.


"Hmmm", said Scotch, "Here is another idea, guys. When I was a cub, I always thought of killing, eating, and chasing other animals.  Either it would lure Good into the outlands alone, and we can get him, or there will be no animals and no more kingdoms for him".

 "Wow!! Amazing!!! Awesome!!" said the hyenas.

"Hey, Boys!!! Guess, tomorrow we are going to fight SS and the other lions. It is not going to be easy because his lions are tough," said Scotch.

"Ah!! Yes!" said Silly.

"Don't you get too excited old gray Dottie", snapped Scotch.

"Whooo!! Whooo!! Whooo!!" Shole made a noise.

 "I will give you a warthog and buffalo meat so you could be ready for the attack," said Scotch.

The hyenas stuck out their tongue and started drooling. Scotch dropped the food, and they all shared the food together. Only slurps and "Yummy!!" were heard. "Now we are prepared for the war," Scotch said, smiling evilly. Then he laughed, "Mwa! HaHa Ha!

A while later, Scotch and the hyenas went into the kingdom.

"Grr!!!" said SS, "What are you doing here?"." These lands belong to me, and I will fight for it," Scotch yelled. "Never!" Yelled SS.

Then the fight broke out. SS and Scotch started to scratch each other. The hyenas attacked the lions.

Fire boomed. Thunder flashed. Rackia, the old baboon, saw from afar land and flew through the trees to fight. Rackia was quietly approaching from the trees, and one of the hyena troop members saw him. He rushed to inform the other hyenas about Rackia's ambush, but he didn't know that Rackia was silently chasing him.

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