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I wrote this story when I was seven years old. It was inspired from the "Lion King" story.


Chapter 2

Scotch ran to the porch steps of his former home to tell Good the news. Scotch informed his brother Good about SS being strangled by grey buffaloes. 


Good ran towards the stampede and found SS stuck in the tree. 

He picked SS up and put him on the rock. Good struggled to climb the rock. He reached the top and asked Scotch’s help to get away from the stampede.


 Scotch scratched Good’s paws and cheek. He pushed Good off the cliff. Good fell down; he thought that this wouldn’t have happened if he had banished Scotch from his kingdom, but it was too late now. He fell into the herd.


“Ahhhhhhhh!!!!” screamed Good.

“Nooooooooooo!!!!!” screamed SS.


SS was on the rock and couldn’t see what his uncle did to his father. When the herd all ran away, SS jumped out of the rock to search for his father. SS found Good closing his eyes.


“DaaaD!!!” yelled SS.


Good half-opened his eyes and looked at SS. He had blood all over him.

“SS,” SS heard someone calling.

“Are you fine, Dad?” asked SS.

“Of course he is dead,” said Scotch.

“How?” asked Shole.

“Hmmmm,” Scotch signed, “Furheads! You know he was bumped by the buffaloes.”

“But…” said Shole.

“SILENCE!!” yelled Scotch.

“Oh! OK!” said Shole.

 “Of course, there are many buffaloes to eat,” said Scotch, looking at all the buffaloes Good managed to kill to save SS.

“How?” asked all the hyenas.

“I don’t know,” said Shole, Silly, and Bansal.

“Ha! Ha!” said Silly.

“Shut up!! Or I will kick your………..” said Shole.

“Hey, Shole!!! Hush!!!” said Bansal.

“Good. You learned. Finally,” said Scotch.

“Yes!!! Let’s eat,” said Shole.


The hyenas gulped, swallowed, and slurped on the food.

He suddenly heard a roar. Shocked by that, Scotch turned around. He got ready to fight his strong younger brother.  Scotch was defeated, and he ran away to the outlands along with the hyenas.


“Hi,” I am Nibbyia,” said a little lioness.

“Hello, I am Good. He is my son SS”, said Good.

“Did you get stomped by the buffaloes?” asked Nibbyia.

“Yes,” said Good.


They all lived happily in the kingdom, thinking life was going to be great. Except what they didn’t know was Scotch was going for war with them.

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