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I wrote this story when I was seven years old. It was inspired from the "Lion King" story.


Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there lived an evil lion king named Scotch. He lived with his brother Good, wife Mah, son Fire, and daughter Nioho.

He did not take good care of his kingdom and spent most of his time chasing buffalos, zebras, and ate moose.


Good felt pity for all the animals that were hunted by Scotch, so he decided to confront Scotch about it. 

 "Scotch!!" yelled Good one day, "Please!!! Just Please!!! Stop chasing animals".

"Well!!!" said Scotch, "We need food."

"But only when we are hungry," yelled Good.

"I am hungry, always," said Scotch.


He kept chasing animals again and again. He pursued a bird, then a wildebeest and wild baboons. Good had had enough of this, and he was tired of seeing all the beautiful animals killed in Scotch's reign. He fought with his brother even though it was against his will. He won and decided to banish Scotch and his family from the kingdom.  Mah felt terrible for her husband, so she fought with him and lost. Since Scotch and Mah had cubs, Good had no choice but to ban them too.


Scotch went to the outlands. Suddenly the hyenas' Shole, Silly, and Bensel showed up.

 "Hi," said Silly.

"Scotch," said Shole.

"How do you know me?" asked Scotch.

"We know you.", said hyenas. 

Silly said, "You ruled the Grasslands, and we saw your fight with Good, yesterday". 

Bensel said sarcastically," pity!! He won".

 "But how can I stop Good?" asked Scotch.

"Wow!" Mah said," You can help us defeat Good with Scotch's Help."

"Shut Up, Mah!!", said Scotch.

"But the question is, why do you want to help me?" Scotch asked.

"Well," Shole said, "We were banned from the GrassLands by your father, and we want to back in, and with the help of a muscled lion like you, we can kick Good, hard, off his throne." 


He asked hyenas if they could chase the grey buffalos over into the grasslands. Good had a son named SS, and he was sitting on the rock. The herd shook the grounds, and SS fell into the ground in fear.


SS ran and ran, and he did not know about his uncle's little trick. 

Scotch climbed a rock, and he was happy about his plan. He saw SS running and thought this would work better for him. Now, it was time to inform his brother, Good.

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