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Michel Grayson was 25 years old and loved to go on an adventure.  One day, Grayson was throwing away some of his old stuff in the attic. He found a picture of his young grandfather with a mysterious man holding him in his hands, in front of a house named G.House. The G.House was a mysterious house that was located beyond the city limits, having dust and yucky mud, and with biting bees, sneaky spiders, and freaky frogs that rule the G.House like kings and queens.


Grayson was putting on his sand-colored trench coat, black pants, and a Sherlock Holmes pipe in his mouth. "Michel Grayson is investigating another case," Grayson said, putting his hands into his trench coat. Then, Grayson drove his car to G. House. Every inch of his movement was heroic, and his eyes gleamed with adventure. When Grayson parked his car on the broken, creaky parking lot, he gulped, scared. The was only an inch taller than his house. Now, looking at it up close, the house was almost 50 feet high (and that was the height when you don't count the roof), and he walked through the G.House's doors like a king. When Grayson got inside, he was coughing from the dust and realized that the entire house was covered with dust while bee-hives were quiet and peaceful. "Maybe someone should clean this place up" Grayson said quietly, but its echo was as loud as 50 plates falling onto the ground at the same time. 


"WHO DARES ENTER THE G. HOUSE," said a booming man's voice. "M-Mi-Michel-Gr-Gray_Gray-s-son, "Grayson said, his voice turning from bold to mouse squeaky. "Grayson?" the loud voice asked calmly," Grayson that was born in Germany." "Yes," Grayson said, his voice turning from mouse squeaky to brave bold. "I am in that family," The voice said. "You're A GRAYSON?!" Grayson asked as a shock was getting poured onto every hair of his body. "Maybe this might help," the thunderous voice said as its voice turned into a soft human voice. Then a bluish and whitish spirit appeared on the ripped up furniture that was getting hogged by rats and mice. He had dark hair that was a mixture of brown and black. He had half-moon spectacles that had many cracks, and it looked like it was going to fall any second. He had a long white beard and was very smooth like it was cleaned every day, his skin was a pale blueish color covered with whiteness, and his eyes were as green as an emerald.


"Wh-Who ar-are-y-yo-are you, "Grayson stuttered with fear in his voice. "I'm Bill Grayson," Bill said, holding a hand out to Grayson, "Name is Michel, Huh?". "Ye-Yes," Grayson said, trying to convince himself he was dreaming. "You are not dreaming, Michel," Bill said to Grayson. "You can read minds?" Grayson asked, trying to understand Bill. "Yeah, I am also the father of Peter Grayson," Bill said, stretching out his arms. "You mean Grandfather?" Grayson asked, finally understanding everything. "Wait, you mean you're my great-grandson," Bill asked, getting excited. "When I ever asked about Grandfather's father, Grandfather would always change the subject," Grayson said, wondering why his grandfather never talked about his father. "Well, I have the answer for that," Bill said with a sigh, "Come with me, Michel."


Then, Bill took Grayson to a pot that was upstairs and told them to look into it. When Grayson took a peek inside of it, he was pulled into many layers of grayness. Then it showed a  thin man looking like Bill and a woman in a hospital bed, and the thin man was holding and smiling at the baby laughing in his hands. "Isn't he gorgeous, Bill?" the woman said. Grayson realized that was Bill. "Yes, Mary, and I think he should be named Peter," Bill said, playing with his new son. The color was black and white, and on top of the memory was written in white bold, 5/12/1940. Then the picture disappeared, and another memory came. Then it showed a 15 year old Peter playing on ice sleet, and the ice started to crack. Bill noticed it, and he saved Peter at the last minute, but he was pulled into the water. The ice-covered him while a shocked and scared Peter was calling an ambulance to help his dad, and then the memory disappeared. This time it showed Bill in the hospital in a coma and 15-year-old Peter with a scarf outside of the hospital room. 


Doctors showed up and said something to Peter. Peter's face was turned from sad to shocked and back to sad. It was written in bold letters on the top of the memory 3/10/1955; it was also in black and white. After that, it showed Peter leaving the G.House. Then it showed Peter getting married, giving birth to Grayson's father, and Grayson's father getting married, and Grayson's mother giving birth to Michel Grayson. Then it showed Peter with a white background, and he was turning from a 15-year-old to an 80-year-old. Then Grayson is pushed out of the pot." Do you understand now?" Bill asked. "No, I do not, "Grayson responded. "Peter does not like talking about me because he didn't want to remember his grief about me dying," Bill said, irritated. "Oh," Grayson said. Then Bill gave Grayson a jar, and then Bill turned into a ball and got into the glass jar and told Grayson to "Shut The lid." After Grayson shut the lid, he asked, "Why do you want to be in there?" Grayson asked Bill. "I want to live with you, no more at the G. House," Bill responded. When they were in the car, Grayson asked, "What does G.House mean?". Bill responded with "Grayson House." "At least, it wasn't Ghoul House," Grayson said.  When they got home,  Grayson put the jar right near his Roberto Clemente picture. "Thank you," Bill said before the air made him invisible. 


The End

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