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I wrote this article for my school newspaper.

Cartoon connects family


Due to the coronavirus, everybody has to work from home, which is challenging to adapt to this situation. The family members are being put through a lot of pressure because they think that the lockdown is making it hard for them to concentrate on finishing their job. Also, this lockdown makes it very hard for the family because they are stuck indoors. They can't travel to see their friends, can't get groceries, can't go to malls, and can't take their pets to the park. 


To relax their situation at the house, they watch various shows like cooking, documentary, sports and comedy shows on the TV.  By relaxing the environment, the family members' pressure reduces and can brighten their mood. They feel light as a jelly, and they don't scream about the hard work they put on their job, for the rest of the day. 


One of the most common cartoon TV shows that all my family members watch is Tom And Jerry. Tom and Jerry is also the key to unite us together. If for a split second I turn on Tom and Jerry show, everybody in my house would be rushing to the living room to see the cat and mouse battles. 


But why?  


Well. It's a simple reason.


Tom and Jerry have been through my family starting from my great grandfather all the way to me. 


When we watch Tom and Jerry, we all laugh like we are children again. Tom and Jerry might be comically violent shows. In my family, it plays an important role, like in many other families who are bored due to the lockdown. 


It is like a family custom in my family to watch Tom and Jerry, and it gets passed down from generation to generation.


Think: What’s yours?

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