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I wrote this story when I was eight years old. 







“OK, kids”, said Professor Kenny, “Come with me to see your house rooms”.


“OK Friguses”, said a gloomy eyed, dark-haired person with black pants and a long hooked nose.


“Ethan! You are here now”, said Professor Kenny, “Nawsaw! You are here, too—fortem kids. Follow me! I am your house teacher”. 


“Who’s Ethan and Nawsaw?”, Bryan asked an older Fortem student. 


“Ethan is the leader of Frigus, and Nawshaw is the leader of Genus”, said the older student.


“OK”, Bryan said.


Then, he and the rest of the Fortem children got to the Fortem bedrooms. For the rest of the day, Bryan couldn’t stop thinking about that daydream. More clearer than ever, he saw the Dark Lord. When Bryan slept, in his dream/ nightmare, he was in a black cloak going to his house, and he felt brave as he went through the creaky scary woods. Then he was in the Ranville house, and Bob told him that he will never get his son. 


Bryan tried to explain that he was his son, but the only words that came out of his mouth was a serpent sound that said, “Theeensss youuu giiive meee nooo CHOICE!”. 


Then Bryan understood that he was in  Dark Lord’s vision. But when he finished his thoughts, there was a blast, and Bob was on the ground, dead. 


Bryan started to shiver as he dreamed about the Dark Lord, lifting his Fang and killing Bob. To him, it was a nightmare because the night is when vampires get active.


“Dad”, Bryan said aloud as he saw his dream.

Ben came running into Bryan’s bedroom and asked him, “What’s wrong?”.

“Um…”, Bryan said, kind of embarrassed.


“It’s OK to have daymares but try to forget it and go to sleep”, Ben said, going back to his own bedroom.


Bryan forgot about his daymares, and his reward was a good day’s sleep. Bryan woke up, late that night for his classes, he only woke when Ben yelled, “Bryan! We are going to be late for flying class, GET UP!”. 


When Bryan got dressed, he and Ben ran supersonic speed  to flying class,

“Hi,” said a professor “Today we will be working on how to use your wings. Say Flip Flop!”. 


The professor had beautiful emerald green eyes, long brown hair, and honey-colored skin with medium-sized fangs. She also had wrinkles on her face because she is old. Everyone stared at him and Ben, making them uncomfortable. “Mr. Ranville and Mr. Cyot, you are late” Professor Flyke said as Bryan and Ben panted. “Hey Bryan, Ben, do you know how to do a twirl with your wings?”, Ragado called out to Bryan and Ben. “No” Bryan and Ben said, panting. “Atleast you know how to sleep” Ragado said, laughing with the Friguses. “Now, children, you know it’s rude to make fun” Professor Flyke said, calming down the children laughing. 


“Come down now, Mr.Ranville,” said Professor Flyke. 


He was forced to land on Scarlett’s hand. 


“Hi,” he said nervously, “How are you, and are you having a good day?”.


She pushed him away. Ben smirked, and everyone laughed.

The rest of the lesson went uninterrupted. Bryan looked flushed. The class was then over, and they went back in to go to their next class, “Using Fangs.”
“Come On, Bry!” Ben said, helping Bryan off the ground. “I heard if we are late to Fang class, we will become frogs. 


Bryan immediately took off. “I DON’T FORGET ME,” Ben yelled as he chased Bryan. 


When Bryan and Ben got to the class, they sat in their seats, but they couldn’t see a teacher. 


“Turn to the 50th page”, said a familiar voice. 


When Bryan turned around, he gulped. 


The person was the other professor who Professor Kenny called Ethan. “Ranville, I suppose you have ears,” Ethan said, pointing at the book. 


“OK, Mr.Ethan,” Bryan said. Everybody gasped. 


Ethan squeezed Bryan’s earlobe and said: “Call Me, Professor Graves.” 


“OK, Professor Graves,” Bryan said, trying to bear the pain. 


After a few seconds, Professor Graves let go of Bryan’s ear. 


Then a voice in his head that sounded like Professor Grave said, “Your father was nothing but a liar and a cheat and died like a coward, and as you struck 12 years, You SHALL MEET THE SAME FATE”.


-- To Be Continued

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