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I wrote this story when I was eight years old. 







“Did you hear that?” Bryan asked Ben.


“What?” Ben asked, confused.


“That I, Bryan Ranville will die”, Bryan said. 


“This is not funny, Bryan”, Ben said with a serious face.


“I am not joking,” Bryan said, getting desperate.


“Ha, Ha, very funny”, Ben said sarcastically.


“No, it’s-”, Bryan started, but Ben interrupted.


“Forget it, Bryan”, Ben said.


“Fine,” Bryan sighed.


Bryan noticed a dragon wearing school robes.


“Who is that?”, he asked. 


Ben said to Bryan, “That is the Fortem dragon”.


“Heeee-helllllllooooo”, he said, “ I am going to have my turkey and chicken and tell Tricky I said Hi”.  Then the Fortem Dragon sat down on the chair next to the Frigus T- rex and Genus tabby cat.


As Bryan was nibbling his chicken, still wondering what the voice from last night meant, his thoughts were distracted when a ghost said, “That looks tasty. Is it tasty? I always loved the food here. Too bad, I can’t eat anymore”.


Bryan and Ben both said, “I know you. You are Bloody Tricky”.


Tricky laughed and said, “I am the Fortem ghost”.


Scarlett looked at the ghost and asked, “What tricks can you do?”.


As she finished the sentence, the ghost threw Bryan’s apple juice over at Scarlett.


“Quemba”, said Tricky.


“Ewww!! Hey!!! Look at me!!”, yelled Scarlett as the juice dripped down her clothes, but it sounded like “SQUEAK! SQUEAK! SQUEAK”. 


Tricky had started his tricks. He had changed Scarlett’s voice into a rat’s squeak.


“What did she say?” Ben asked Bryan, confused at why her sound was squeaky.


Bryan shrugged equally confused and scared as he said, “I don’t know”, and looked at what was wrong with Scarlett.


Seavus started to laugh at this from the Frigus table, and his hair shook everywhere. 


Ben and Bryan were still in shock, staring at her weird changes. She started to become brown and grow a tail. Eventually, Scarlett turned into a rat.


“Tricky,” said Professor Kenny visibly annoyed, “What have I told you about turning children into rats?”.  


Professor Kenny’s fangs looked sharper. Her spectacles looked at Tricky like an owl stalking its prey, and her beautiful brown eyes turned an icky black color. Professor Kenny was angry.


Scarlett turned into a human and started to look relieved, but she almost immediately turned into a rat. Tricky was having a lot of fun. But not Scarlett.


“OK. Tricky enough. Learn to respect Professor Kenny”, said an aged man. 


Bryan was surprised at how silent everything became. He did not yell, but his voice was very calm and firm.


“I know you from the book of Vampires”, Bryan said before his brain thought what to say. “You are Professor Rumble”.


He looked at Bryan in acknowledgment. “By the way, Ms.Mandra, you will be back to normal”, said Professor Rumble waving his hands as he did the spell to change Scarlett back to human.


Chirp Chirp, she said, chewing her long tail. She then changed back to human. She was biting her nail. She looked disgusted as she took her hands off her mouth and seemed relieved when she realized she was back to human. She vowed to never let tricky play with her ever again. She made a note to herself in mind to find out how to save herself.


 “Ewwww,” said Ben, looking at all these changes happening to Scarlett.


Bryan was happy that Scarlett was back again. It was a weird start of term. He remembered the voice he heard last night. His friend was just changed into a rat and back to human. Without even thinking, he started eating the food in his hand. Ben and Scarlett looked disgusted at Bryan.


“What?”, Bryan asked, in the middle of chewing.


“Ummmm! Nothing!”, said Ben and Scarlett, visibly angry.


Tricky shot up fireworks that said, “Welcome to Fangwood.”  


Then everyone clapped. Professor Kenny said, “I guess“. 


Through all this, Bryan still wondered what that voice meant.

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