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I wrote this story when I was eight years old. 






When they got there, “Hi!! I am Ben Cyot, as they boarded the train. This is my pet hamster Rabers”, said the black-haired guy. 

“I am Bryan Ranville,” said Bryan, surprised by this boy’s kindness.

Ben’s eyes got big. “Wow!! Are you? Do-Do-Do, you want to sit together?” asked Ben.

“Sure,” said Bryan.

When they got into the train, they asked the chef for two sandwiches, sodas, chocolates, cupcakes, and Oreos.

“This packet has Strawberry, Vanilla and Mango flavors,” said Ben.

“Decent,” said Bryan.

“But---,” said Ben, “There is also spinach, beets, and onion flavor. James swore that once he got ear wax flavored”.

“Gross… Ew-w-w-w.”, said Bryan.

“Have you seen a snake around here? A red-haired-boy named Liam has lost his snake”, said a girl who just passed their seats.

“No-o-o,” they said together.

“I am Bryan, and you are?” asked Bryan.

“I am Scarlet Mandra. Are you-- are you-- Are you Bryan Ranville?” replied the girl.

“Yes,” he replied.
“I have read about you in the book of famous vampires,” Scarlett said, shocked that she meets the famous Bryan Ranville.

“R-re-really?” he asked, dropping his sandwich because he didn’t know he was in books. They both were silent for a moment.

“I am Ben Cyot,” said Ben, finally finding a spot to introduce himself when they were silent.

“Pleasure!” the girl said and went away, leaving the boys alone to themselves.

They were silent for the rest of the ride, and they reached Fangwood at around dinner time. Fangwood was as big as the Eiffel Tower. There was a big castle that said: “WELCOME TO FANGWOOD.” There was a big stream blocking their path. 

“How do we get there?” Bryan asked Ben. 

“ You have to swim,” Ben said. 

“Sw-Sw-SWIM?” Bryan asked, shocked. Yes, Bryan Ranville is very strong, but he has one weakness, water. 

“Haven’t you read the Fangwood Manuscript?” Ben said. 
“Um... Well I-I a-am-am-” Bryan stuttered.

“Hurry up, hurry up,” a bat sang. 

“See Ya, “Ben said, diving into the water. 

“Deep breath Bryan,” Bryan said, putting one foot in the water then dropping his entire body in the water.

Ben and Bryan swam as hard as their little wet hands could take them.  Bryan’s vision was extraordinarily blurry, but he managed to get to the other side. When Bryan, Ben, and the other vampire kids got out, Professor Kenny was waiting for them at the door.

“Welcome to Fangwood, dear Vampire Warriors. When you enter these walls, you will be sorted into your house Fortem, Frigus or Genus”, she said. “ Whoa,” Ben said, “ This place is amazing.” “ Am I looking at heaven?” Bryan asked. 

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