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I wrote this story when I was eight years old. 






Bryan looked sad. Rosa hugged him.


"Ummmm," said Bryan, with tears in his eyes, "How did Dad die?"


"No. We are not talking about that,", said Rosa trying to contain her anger because it makes her angry if anyone speaks about Bob Ranville.


"YES," yelled Bryan.


"No, Not now, it's not a good time," yelled Rosa.


"Yes. Now", yelled Heather, joining Bryan. 


"OK, OK. I will tell you," said Rosa, drinking a glass of water, so she doesn't tear up when she sees them. 


"Yay!" said Bryan and Heather together. Many kids at school bullied them because their father didn't show up on father's day, and now they are going to find the truth about their father's disappearance. 


"The night you-your father di-died w-was-the-the most horrible thing that ever happened to me," Rosa said, stammering. "Dark Lord had come to kill you, Bryan," she continued with tears in her eyes. "Your dad ran upstairs with me when I came to get you and Heather from your cribs. Dark Lord caught up with Bob and killed him with his fang using an unbearable killing curse. It was terrible, TERRIBLE," Rosa yelled, slamming her hand onto the kitchen table so her anger would go. 


"Oh," said Bryan quietly. He had not thought this through. It hurts him a lot.


"Bryan, I am sorry, dear. This was not my idea," said Rosa, cooling herself down from her anger. 


Rosa then went to cook dinner. Fruita moved close to Bryan and cuddled up near him. "But why does Dark Lord want to kill me," Bryan thought to himself.


"Bryan!!! Heather!!! Food is ready", called out Rosa, fixing up the plates of spaghetti.


Days passed. They did not talk a word about that miserable night.


"Ahhhh, tomorrow is Fangwood school," said Bryan pushing his hair up.


The next day Bryan put on his best white shirt and black tuxedo suit, a red tie, and a black pant.


"We will leave for school at 8:00 AM", Rosa called out to Heather and Bryan as they went to sleep on their beds.


"Yes, Mom," said Bryan as he drifted off to sleep. The next day, he ate a sprinkled donut for breakfast. After that, Bryan looked up at his crazy brown hair and saggy eyes. He was almost ready.


When it was 8:00 AM, Bryan left the house by himself. Most of the fathers dropped their kids at the train stop except for he-had-no-dad. This thought made him sad and nervous and creeped out. 


"Ummmm," he wondered, as he saw his list "So, the train is in the Northwest from Hamilton". Hamilton was the country he was born in. 


When he got to the train stop, he saw a weird family, a 16-year-old boy, 13-year-old twin boys, a 9-year-old boy, all black-haired and old baggy jeans. 


"OK, Ryan," the dad called to the 16-year-old, "You first!".


He ran into the wall, ran up, and disappeared.


"You next, James," the dad called again to the 13-year-old.


Again, he ran into the wall, ran up, and disappeared.


"You are up now, Bill," the dad called to the other 13-year-old.


Again, he ran into the wall, ran up, and disappeared. Bryan felt incredibly confused. "You...Uh, Wha-" Bryan thought, questions popping out of nowhere.


"Ummmm…. Excuse Me, Sir", Bryan said, freaked out of what happened. "How do you- um.. Do that?"


The dad smiled and completed it for him, "Get onto the platform? Don't worry, my boy. It is Ben's first time to Fangwood too".


Bryan waved at Ben shyly. They both ran against the wall and Pooh Ffffff!. They were on the train platform. 


Bryan loved every bit of this. The platform was made of gold and silver and emeralds! 


"Hurry up now, boys," a bat said, flying over Bryan's head. 


"Yeah, you don't wanna be late, laddie," another bat said, flying off in the distance. 


"Fangwood, here I come, "Bryan thought in his head. 


"Now! Now! Everybody, calm yourselves down and get into the Vamp 2000", a bat said, directing a group of children to the train. Now, Bryan was entirely in awe. He was going to be riding the Vamp 2000! The Vamp 2000 is the newest model of train cart for Vampires. There was a myth that it was made of gold, which costs 5,000 gallouz.  But what Bryan didn't know is that he will meet an exceptional friend along his journey.

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