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I wrote this story when I was eight years old. 






A week passed, and it was time for Bryan to get his fang

“It’s time for your Fang,” said Rosa proudly.


Rosa, Bryan, and Heather went to the Blood Bank. 


“We are here,” said Heather.


“Whoa!!” said Bryan in awe, “Velociraptors run this bank.” Velociraptors are a small dromaeosaurid dinosaur belonging to the late Cretaceous period. Bryan had never seen velociraptors, but he read about them in Blood Trip Elementry. The velociraptors had blackish, brownish scales with razor-sharp teeth and had a long tail with a paddle-like tail tip. Unlike their giant cousins, T- Rex, they are incredibly small but a little taller than a regular vampire. 


“Grrrr!! Welcome grrrr!” said Rattler, who ran the shop, “Fangs are everywhere. Give it a nudge.”


Bryan picked up a small fang from the corner and gave it a wave and a nudge. All the fangs from that corner toppled over.


“Grrr! Pick another one! Grr A-n-o-t-h-e-r o-n-e! Grrrr”, said the Rattler, taking the fang from Bryan’s hand. Bryan picked up another one from the corner. This one was a big one. As he picked it up, a golden beam appeared around his head, and he looked content. “Wow,” Bryan said as the golden beam started glowing even harder. 


“You picked the brother fang of Dark Lord,” said Rattler. Rosa sighed and looked sad and terrorized but proud that her son got his first fang. Bryan tried a few spells that he learned in Blood Trip Elementry with his school fang. Bryan noticed but did not say anything. “It’s from dragon scales,” the Rattler said, “2 inches and smooth and sleek”. “That will be 20 Gallouz,” The Rattler said, holding out his slimy, scaly hand. Rosa reached into her purse and gave The Rattler 20 Gallouz (Vampire Money). 


“Next,” said Rosa, leaving the Blood Bank “We are getting Bryan a fruit bat. Today we are getting just the cage and the fruit snacks for the bat. We will buy the bat next week. 


Bryan was tired of waiting for seven days. It felt like a whole lot of years. Finally, it was on August 11th. Rosa got him a female fruit bat. Bryan loved it. 


“I am calling her…… hmmm… F-r-u-i-t-t-a spelled as Fruta”, yelled Bryan.


“Cool! Where is mine, Momma?” asked Heather, who got everything for her older brother, and more always.


“Heather!” said Rosa, “You are a little young.”


“Awwww,” groaned Heather.  “ Heather, you have to be nine or older to get your fang,” Rosa said to Heather. “ Fine,” groaned Heather. “ Now, don’t be like that, “ Rosa said,” You have to wait for 12 months”. When Bryan, Rosa, and Heather got home, Bryan felt like asking his mother about his father.  But he didn’t know why.

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