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I wrote this story when I was eight years old. 






“No!” Bryan thought as he realized what he had done, but it was too late. It came crashing down, the only place where his father’s soul lived on. Bryan was depressed and a little angry. Bryan felt like he had broken all his ribs, pain, and never losing the pain. “Why?” Bryan thought, trying to hold back tears. Bryan scrambled onto the ground, trying to clean the glass and put it back together. Then, he took some glue to paste it together. “There, “ Bryan said as he hung the picture of Bob on his wall, and it looked as good as new there. Then Bryan felt anger rushing to him about the Dark Lord, the vampire that killed his father. 

“ Why Dark Lord, do you have to kill my father?” Bryan thought angrily. 


“Come downstairs, Bryan,” said Rosa from the kitchen, “Breakfast is getting cold.”


“Coming in 2 minutes,” Bryan said, trying all he could to hide his anger.  


Bryan, angrily put on his glasses, cleaned up his bedroom, and went to the living room.


“Mommy!” said an angry  Bryan, “What is for breakfast.


“Waffles and come into the kitchen, dear!”  Rosa said, back, who was pouring the syrup into the waffles.


Bryan went to the kitchen and ate his waffles. 


“Thank you, Mom,” Bryan said, kissing his mother on the cheek. Rosa smiled back at him.


“Now!!”, said Rosa, “Bryan!, you are going to start Fangwood School of Blood Trips and Fangs of Awesomeness. 


Rosa was very proud of Bryan and kissed him.  Bryan was happy, and he was finally going somewhere to prove himself as a full, grown vampire. 


“What is going on?” asked Heather, chewing her waffles while pouring syrup at the same time.


“I am going to Fangwood,” answered Bryan proudly.


Bryan finished his breakfast, cleaned up, and went to play his video games. He thought angrily to himself, “If I ever see that murderer, I will moonwalk all over his dumb face.” But he brushed it off because HE WAS GOING TO FANGWOOD!!!!


“Ok!!  Mario!! Here I come!” said Bryan. 


“B-B-r-y-a-a-n!” yelled Rosa, “Next week, we will buy your Fangwood costumes and buy you a Fang. “ Woo-hoo!” Bryan yelled. He couldn’t wait until he got his fang; finally, he was getting a fang! “Ok, I guess I could run around before starting to play Mario,” Bryan said, dropping the controller. Getting a fang was like winning the lottery for Bryan. He was hyper yellow, and he was running all over his room before he lost all his energy. “ Deep breath  Bryan, Deep breath,” Bryan told himself as he breathed as if his heart was taken away. When Bryan got his fang, he would learn the power that he possessed with the fang.

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